Introducing Canada Malting Co.’s newest malt made from the finest low-protein barley available – Euro-Pils! During the development of this malt, nothing was off-limits. Steeping, germination, and kilning recipes were critiqued and tweaked over and over to produce a malt that showcases the true character of a Continental European Pilsner malt.
This malt carries with it specifications targeting reduced modification and ample extract while still producing a wonderfully bready, full mouthfeel character. No step mash is required, this malt can be used with a single infusion mash profile.
Euro-Pils is highlighted by the biscuity notes which accent the subtle grassy undertones. Specific flavor characteristics include fresh white bread and table water cracker, an ideal profile for Pilsner malts.

“Euro-Pils has a bold pilsner flavor and provides the lagers I’ve brewed with it so far a rocky meringue-like head, that stands out to me more than other pilsner malts I’ve brewed with. I think it’s safe to say the reduced modification of the malt provides head retention without the need for other malts in the grist. The malt profile is very clean and crackery, with a hint of sweetness in the finish. There’s minimal if any green/grassy/grainy character to the malt while chewing more so doughy/white bread. I think Euro-Pils really shines when used 100% in a lager; I could especially see it working ideally in a Czech or Bohemian style pilsner beer but it’s an exceptional pilsner malt all around.”
–Grant Lawrence, Country Malt Group Territory Manager and Homebrewer
Malted locally at Canada Malting Co.’s historic malthouse in Montréal, Québec, Canada, Euro-Pils is a cost-effective reliable solution for brewing any of your favourite beer styles.
Euro-Pils Malt is available now from coast to coast. Contact your Country Malt Group sales rep to learn more!